Important Announcement
Top bars don’t need to be tiny you know. Check out this one.
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Yes, we are those guys.

Let’s create amazing stuff together!

You need to be happy about your brand.

Like, really happy. Come on, how many times it didn't feel right?
How many times you knew that wasn't it?
Give your heart a chance today, we would love to help you with the below services.
Brand Communication
Digital Solutions
Design & Crafts
Event Production
Media Planning

At PIK, two to three people max are good-looking, the rest of us uses creativity to make up for it. The same creativity that helped big brands like Albtelecom run many successful campaigns.

Sports are not a big thing amongst us, yet we never dropped a ball in our work. Never. Not even when New Year's campaigns come in like crazy bats flying all over the place.

We believe in the power of love to do the work we are trusted to do. Every project we decide to pursue, carries our expertise as well as a bit of ourselves. Like the works down here ↓.

Our Projects

We use creativity to solve business communication problems

Get ahead.

Using human curiosity as a communication strategy resulted a campaign that questions, challenges and inspires.

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Living in a country that has 654 cafes per 100 thousand inhabitants or 1 café per 152 people our first thought was to focus on real insights and use them to create a global visual language that talks to a global audience.

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The Creatives.

On 2014 ALB Telecom has been repositioned and rebranded. This major shift was presented with a unique idea and visual language that scores as the most recalled campaign even in our days.

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Our Blog

Looking for inspiration? Take a look at our talks about advertising, global trends, different views, and reflections on the industry.
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